tel: 01530 222426 email: denise@cadelac.co.uk

Nottingham dog and puppy training, obedience, socialisation and agility classes.
Behaviour counselling, obedience
Education evenings, public talks, demonstrations. Reactive dog specialist. Sheepdog training by appointment. Author of A Dog Behaiourist's Diary and All Six Legs. Creator of Turn and Face technique for reactive and fearful dogs.
Dog Behaviour work at CaDeLac
Denise Mcleod has been working with challenging animals all of her life and is most famous for creating her own technique, ‘Turn and Face’ (which is now in use worldwide by hundreds of trainers), which is effective for dogs who have issues with other dogs or people when on lead, or who are fearful or anxious generally.
With a history of training over 12,000 dogs and over 1,200 behaviour cases, Denise has an unprecedented level of experience and is renowned for her unique and tailor made solutions for dog behavior problems.
Denise of CaDeLac offers private behaviour counseling either in your own home, or at one of the training venues in Nottingham, or Derby. Charges vary according to the location and duration and number of sessions, but Denise always aims to have most owners on the way to enjoying their dog more, in one session.
We have vast experience of barking, destructiveness, self harming behaviours, hyper activity, repetitive activity, stress related disorders, boredom related disorders, separation anxiety, resource guarding, aggression toward people and dogs, chasers, herders and all other behavioural challenges. Denise states “We approach each one, with a view to helping this particular owner, with this particular dog, within the confines of their particular lifestyle, and to meet their particular needs".
She continues, “Seeing an owner gain more joy, more fun and more peace from their relationship with their dog, is just the best thing! The only thing better than that is seeing the dog change in the same way " smiles Denise
If you want to talk over your dogs behaviour then call or email Denise. 01332 222426 or email Denise@cadelac.co.uk
For those wanting help with a reactive or aggressive dog, but who are not able to attend a session with Denise, then the Turn and Face Tutorial DVD is now available. This DVD Is designed to teach both dog owners and instructors/behavioural consultants, a kind, fast and effective way to halt on lead aggression and reactivity, as well resolve some cases of fear.
To see a preview of the Turn and Face DVD or to order your copy, please click here https://www.turnandfacereactivedogs.com/turnandfacedvd